Thursday, December 27, 2018

Zuckerberg: I'm not stepping down as Facebook chairman

In an exclusive interview, Mark Zuckerberg talks with CNN's Laurie Segall about why he won't step down as Facebook's chairman and why he wants Sheryl Sandberg to stay at Facebook.

BEST Blind Auditions in The Voice Kids 2018

A Compilation Video Featuring The Best Blind Auditions In The Voice Kids 2018, Comment Below whose Your Favourite.

TOP 10 | BEST BLIND AUDITIONS OF 2018 | The Voice Kids Rewind

Wow! 2018 was an excellent year with many new talents in The Voice Kids! Check out these amazing Blind Auditions from different territories here. Together with you we've made the TOP 10!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Cherm New Song

Top Universities in Cambodia Cambodian University Ranking

1 Royal University of Phnom Penh

2  Paññasastra University of Cambodia Phnom Penh ...

3 The University of Cambodia Phnom Penh

4 National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia Phnom Penh

5 Build Bright University Phnom Penh ...

6  Zaman University Phnom Penh

7  University of Puthisastra Phnom Penh

8  Institute of Technology of Cambodia Phnom Penh

9 Western University, Cambodia Phnom Penh ...

10 National University of Management Phnom Penh

11 Norton University Phnom Penh

12 International University Phnom Penh

13 Royal University of Agriculture Phnom Penh

14 Cambodian Mekong University Phnom Penh

15 Royal University of Law and Economics Phnom Penh

16 Asia Euro University Phnom Penh

17 Royal University of Fine Arts Phnom Penh

18 University of Battambang Battambang

19 University of Southeast Asia Siem Reap

20 École Royale d'Administration Phnom Penh

21 Université des Sciences de la Santé Phnom Penh

22 Vanda Institute Phnom Penh
23 American University of Phnom Penh Phnom Penh

24 IIC University of Technology Phnom Penh

25 Phnom Penh International University Phnom Penh

26 Prek Leap National College of Agriculture Phnom Penh

27 CamEd Business School Phnom Penh

28 Cambodia University for Specialties Phnom Penh ...

29 Economics and Finance Institute Phnom Penh

30 University of Management and Economics Battambang ...

31 Svay Rieng University Svay Rieng

32 Angkor University Siem Reap

33 Life University, Cambodia Sihanoukville

34 Human Resources University Phnom Penh

35 Chamroeun University of Polytechnology Phnom Penh ...

36 Mean Chey University Sisophon

37 Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear Kamchay Mear District ...

38 Panha Chiet University Phnom Penh

39 Royal Academy of Cambodia Phnom Penh

40 National Institute of Education Phnom Penh

41 Khemarak University Phnom Penh ...

42 National Institute of Business Phnom Penh

43 Dewey International University Battambang

44 Chenla University Phnom Penh

46 Phnom Penh Institute of Technology Phnom Penh

47 Khmer University of Technology and Management Sihanoukville

Un Beltei International University Phnom Penh

Un Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Cambodia Phnom Penh

Un Angkor Khemara University Kampot ...

Un Preah Sihanouk Raja Buddhist University Phnom Penh ...

Un Kampong Cham National School of Agriculture Kampong Cham

Un Institute for Business Education Phnom Penh

MOST VIEWED Auditions on France'S Got Talent 2018 | Got Talent Global

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Fairy Tales in Easy French

Educators love to enable understudies to learn French with the old fantasies, yet the vast majority of the firsts are simply excessively progressed.
 Rather than clarifying complex vocabulary and sentence structures, download this starting French fantasy accumulation. Made by instructors, for educators, this asset will allow your understudies to learn with drawing in stories. Glossaries are incorporated for simple reference, making th

Golf Swing Secrets Revealed

With only 4 basic moves, this creative golf program will show you how to cut 7-12 strokes off your disable.
Our simple to-pursue guide will make them swing like you were destined to play golf as you enhance your separation and precision. Figure out how to more readily comprehend the diversion with the goal that you can play a more brilliant and increasingly unrivaled amusement.

Print Your Screen

You may imagine that you know the most ideal method for catching and printing your screen, in any case, you would be astounded at how much less difficult these undertakings could be.
Printing Your Screen programming will enable you to print either your whole screen or a piece based on your personal preference, or spare a choice or the aggregate of your screen as a JPEG record, rapidly, effectively, and instinctively. For one simple installment, you will get a basic, swell free bit of programming which will enable you to go from screen to printer in just 3 seconds – ensured!

The Voice kids

Meet our children in Samrong!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

World cub

Study table – a convenient and comfortable way to study

Wooden investigation tables here are made with the best wood so you can be rest guaranteed of the nature of the item that you will get. Foldable examination tables come in reasonable estimating. Wait don't as well. Simply go to and purchase consider table online today! Your children will favor you for it.
Study room is in the same class as a space to venerate in light of the fact that that is where the obtaining of learning occurs. It's a frightened space that should be agreeable and advantageous for the individual who is contemplating. The more agreeable the setting is, the better it is for the individual who is contemplating.

 It helps in better assimilation of learning. In the bygone days there were discrete investigation rooms. Be that as it may, attributable to the absence of room in the cutting edge, urban territories and the taking off costs of land, not we all can bear the cost of a different report room. An examination table is must have for your children or so far as that is concerned for the grown-ups as well. A decent report table that is helpful to utilize can aid better method for contemplating. It's extremely agreeable to utilize and encourages the way toward considering.

Football Pool - How to Organize- - Free Football Pool Grid

Figure out how to set up a football pool, figure out who wins and how to part up the pot. It is extremely regular to sort out a football pool for defining moments, particularly The Super Bowl. Regardless of whether you are hosting a football gathering or simply sorting out an office football
What is a football pool? MSN Encarta characterizes one as "a type of betting in which the members, for the most part work partners, wager on the aftereffects of school, college, or expert football games. The gathered bets are pooled and isolated among the victors.

There are numerous approaches to set up a football pool. Here is one that is anything but difficult to actualize:

Choose the amount you will charge per square. Generally $1.00 per square for an aggregate pot of $100.00.

Choose how you will pay out the pot. Most basic is to pay something toward the finish of each quarter. You can choose what percent of the pot will be paid out each time. For instance, 25% after the first quarter, 25% after the second quarter, etc until 100% of the pot is paid out.

What's the energy of YOUR A-Game?

Have you at any point considered it? Have you at any point considered what your "a-diversion" resembles, or what you have to do to "bring it?"

At the point when a great many people consider bringing their "an amusement" to the table, they as a rule consider elite, winning honors, playing admirably, appearing 100%, being in the zone, being completely certain, being at the highest point of their diversion...

Be that as it may, do you ever consider what YOUR "a-diversion" intends to you, by and by?
I've discovered that while everybody's "a-diversion" is extraordinary to them, there are normal things that one must deliver so as to set themselves up for progress and "get in front" of their amusement. This empowers them to feel better, and "on", inside, as well as to lead adequately remotely also. This empowers them to "appear" intensely and truly.
Here are 4 spots to look right currently to distinguish what these zones may be for you:

How would you feel when you're in the zone? What does your "a-diversion" resemble?

What things should be set up for you to be taking care of business?

What is the effect of your "a-diversion" on those you lead?

What disturbs your diversion? Where do you get knocked topsy turvy?
Answer these inquiries sincerely (this will take you 5 minutes and it's a decent 5 minutes!) and afterward get vigorously to help yourself. I can reveal to you that there are 7 center regions I work with individuals on for accomplishing their best and most manageable "a-diversion".

These 7 territories can be additionally separated into two essential zones of core interest:

Driving with your genuine "boots" on (trust me, this is greater than it sounds, there is an entire, exceptionally compelling, demonstrate around "das boot")

Driving - and overseeing - their vitality in each of the 4 regions of the DTE Energy Leadership Model (all territories are vital to initiative achievement and even fills in as administration "super powers" when connected purposefully.)

So snatch your "boots", work your energyFeature Articles, and go along with me this month in bringing a more profound dimension of importance and validness to your own diversion.


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